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How Using Electronics Can Negatively Affect Your Sleep

It has been observed that eating good and sleeping well make a person live a healthy and relaxed life. There were days when people never had problems in sleeping because they used to work all day and in nights they used to get exhausted and that made them sleep automatically – without any problem. There were comparatively lesser problems. Lesser problems are the root causes of natural and good sleep. On the contrary, there are also some other things that affect the sleeping pattern of an individual. Considering today’s times, it is evident that use of technology has resulted in sleeping disorders. People can’t get enough sleep and this is all because of technological advancements and continuous use of technological based gadgets. There is no personal reservation against the technology but the problem is when people use these technological appliances and gadgets without any productive reason.

There are some electronic appliances which affect the sleeping habit and pattern of the individuals. For instance there were times when people used listen to radios in the night times of early in the morning to listen to their favorite radio programs. Back in those they there were no other means of entertainment and people used to heavily rely on radio to listen to music, news or shows etc. This resulted in a patter where people used to get lack of sleep and their day used to become tiresome then entered televisions which were the huge medium of entertainment for viewers. People used to sacrifice their sleeping hours while watching different T.V shows and movies. It has been observed that those individuals who keep television sets in their bedrooms sleep less as compared to those who keep television sets outside their bedrooms. This has also been proved by some philosophers and scientists. It is hence important for a nice and sound sleep that the television sets should be kept outside the rooms.

After television it was cell phone that was introduced in the market and everyone was overwhelmed by the newly launched electronic gadget. Youngsters used to call their friends and talk all night long. This made them sleep very less and talk more. Different cell phone companies also introduced multiple night packages in order to increase the customer base and as a result sleeping pattern was again sacrificed. These days people are mostly glued in front of their laptops and desktops. They chat with their friends and family members. This makes them sleepless. They talk to their friends over different applications like Skype, Twitter, Facebook and Orkut etc. This has resulted in a society that does not sleep well. Everyone looks tiresome and fatigued. It is important to understand the importance of sleeping on proper time. There are many diseases which are associated with sleeping late at nights. It is advised that a person should at least take a good and uninterrupted sleep of 6 – 8 continuous hours depending upon his or her age and lifestyle. Because of these advancements people have started to sleep either less or at off hours which has affected them in their professional and personal lives. These habits should be avoided to live a better and healthier life.