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Puppy Dog Eyes: A Canine’s Secret Weapon

Photo Credit: Time/USA Today

Old argument winner, or evolutionary advantage?

Everyone knows how hard it is to resist puppy dog eyes. But, after more research, it appears that puppy dog eyes are a real thing!

Research has shown that dogs’ facial anatomy has evolved over thousands of years, and that this evolution has helped them communicate with humans better. Scientists compared dogs and wolves and noticed that the only difference between the two was that dogs had a small muscle above their eyes, which allows them to raise their eyebrows in response to human behavior.

The raising of their eyes makes the hearts of humans melt. The dog’s eyes get larger and tends to resemble what human eyes look like when they are sad. It is believed that this is their symbol to humans to take care of them. This eye movement helps to strengthen the human-dog connection.

The study mentioned that the Siberian husky was the only dog that didn’t show these signs. This makes sense as the Siberian husky resembles wolves more than any other dog does. And, since this is a relatively new discovery, Siberian huskies are one of the oldest dog breeds, so they have not seen this anatomical change in them.

Researchers attribute this change to the interaction that dogs have with humans. Since they show this sympathy and humans respond to it, this has been a trait that dogs are now passing down from generation to generation. Since wolves and humans do not interact like they do with dogs, wolves did not develop this trait. This really helps to show the differences in the domestication of dogs.

So, the next time you get struck by those puppy eyes, know that it is indeed a form of communication from the dog. They are looking for your love and affection to take care of them forever.
