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Can Technology Clean The Ocean In 5 Years?

A 23-year old founded “The Ocean Cleanup” as a crowdfunded project that is projected to launch in Summer 2018 and reduce waste in ocean by 50% within the next five years. Aimed at the Pacific Ocean’s garbage pile, this technology is not some revolutionary new invention; it’s simplicity put to a good cause.

This new invention includes an anchored barrier chain (a giant tube) the size of a football field and a collection nylon screens. The barrier is flexible and moves alongside the currents of the ocean. It’s goal is not to expend energy to clean up the garbage; it aims to attract the trash to the barrier in order to preserve energy.

The trash will be amassed in collectors that do not interfere with marine life, and every month, ships will come and collect the 11,000 pounds of trash that it is expected to collect. Within five years, the 40,000 metric tons of garbage in the Pacific Ocean garbage patch is expected to be halved. With “The Ocean Cleanup” leading the pack, hopefully new technologies will continue to grow to clean the oceans.
