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‘Tetris Effect’ Drawing Rave Reviews on PC

Credit: The Verge

The widely popular PlayStation 4 game, Tetris Effect, has finally made its way to the PC, and the results have been outstanding.

Tetris, one of the most recognizable games of all time, continues to remain relevant in the gaming world many years after its conception through its newer incarnations.

Tetris Effect works just like the original Tetris, but adds a “Zone” ability that allows you to drop more than one block at a time. This helps to raise the maximum score that you can receive. This ability allows users to build their power meter and save themselves throughout the game.

The soundtrack that comes with the game is outstanding. The better that you do in the game, the more complex the music gets. The game can be played on a monitor with no problems, but the ability to play in VR with an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive really takes the game to a whole new level. You will be amazed with the particle effects as well as the music and gameplay.

The PC version offers a few additional play options, but for the most part, it resembles the PlayStation 4 game. The price is a little over $30, which is very reasonable for such a quality game. It’s a hearty, enduring challenge of a game that only gets better with age, and being on an open-source platform like PC only increases its potential.
