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Identity Theft – Save Yourself

Identity theft has become a major growing problem all around the world. Every year, people are losing millions of dollars because of different scams. If you want to save yourself from identity theft then there are a few precautions you can take to minimize your chances of having your identity stolen. Here are some ways you can protect yourself.

  • Shopping online may be fun, but it is also unsafe because you have to give a lot of sensitive information that people may use against you. If you are shopping online, be sure that the web portal is safe and secure. One way to do this is to look for locked graphics at the bottom of the browser. This and other features tell you that the website is secure and that hackers cannot access your information.
  • The easiest way someone can steal your identity is by dumpster diving. This term is given to when thieves go to the extreme measure of going through garbage or trash to get hold of your important document. If you do not want to fall prey to such schemes, you need to deposit every document, bank deposit slips and other sensitive information in the right way. Invest in a good shredder or simply throw the documents in a fireplace.
  • Phishing scams have been going on for almost as long as the internet. These scams rely on the email to trap you into thinking that a legitimate company is contacting you for a purpose. These emails usually have links that when clicked, will harm you in more than one way. So, remember not to click on any such links on email because a responsible company would never send any such link through email.
  • This option is useful not only for identity theft but will also aid a hand in getting you away from viruses and malware. This step requires you to keep your anti-virus and anti-spyware software up to date. If you are infected with a Trojan horse, it can easily get into your system and get hold of your sensitive information so it can use your data for illegal purposes.
  • Going through someone else’s mail is illegal, but that doesn’t mean no one is going to do it. A lot of important information is send to us through email and if you do not want yours to get into the wrong hands, you should make a habit to not let the mailbox go unchecked for days at end. If however you want to send something of your own to someone, one way you can stay secure is to go to the post office and drop the document there instead of the box.
  • If you have the fear that you might already be the victim of identity theft then you have to check your credit report immediately. You have the right to check your detailed credit report at least once a year, so take advantage of that to spot any kind of suspicious activity. Keep a receipt of everything you have bought with your credit card, or make a journal and match them to the credit report. If you are apprehensive then call the authorities as soon as possible.

Follow these tips and give them to your friends and family as well so they too can stay safe and secure.
