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Your Browser Can Now Support Apple Music

While Apple remains inclusive inside their well-protected ecosystem, there’s now a new way to play Apple Music through your web browser, or at least, something that feels like it.

Third-party app service Musish is the closest thing you can get to an Apple Music web player. This unofficial player, developed by software engineer Brychan Bennett-Odlum and his team, Raphaël Vigée, James Jarvis, and Filip Grebowski, allows users to log into their Apple Music accounts and play straight from their laptop or desktop browsers, just like they would on the actual iTunes app.

Not only does Musish feel like Apple Music, it also looks like the actual thing. The design is all-white, closely resembling that of the original app on iOS and macOS. It also has all the tabs you can expect in the real app, such as For You, Browse, Radio, and My Library. These tabs work almost exactly the same as the actual tabs, if just a little more simplified.

Unfortunately, Apple Music’s social features like friends and “Friends Are Listening To” are nowhere to be found on this third-party service. Also, right now, Musish doesn’t support Apple Music Radio, but the developers promise to implement it soon.

Musish requires an Apple ID to be logged in, but it assures users that it will never request, log, or gain access to the user’s private information.
