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Facebook May Be Taking “Sharing” To A Whole New Level

Facebook has come under fire again as a New York Times data report has leaked that the social media giant shared user data with over 60 device making companies such as Apple, Amazon, Blackberry, and Microsoft.

Over the last 10 years, Facebook has been reportedly giving these companies access to profiles and information of its users through these agreements. Additionally, companies that struck this deal with Facebook were given access to user’s friends information unbeknownst to the public. The original intent of these deals was to help promote cross-platform functionality between Facebook and the devices these companies create. Facebook wanted users to be able to share videos and posts without having to have the app.

Facebook has previously signed a consent form with the Federal Trade Commission in order to limit the amount and type of information given to third parties. The company has also gone public multiple times saying they have only good intentions and are not looking to deceive its users.

Of the accused manufacturers who were also called out in the scandal, Samsung has denied to comment, Blackberry refused the claims to be true, and Microsoft said none of the shared data was ever permanently stored on their company servers.
