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Why Apple Watch Is The Best Smart Watch

Last quarter, 10 million smart watch devices were shipped out. Out of those 10 million, 3.5 million were Apple Watches alone, proving once again that Apple is the tech industry to beat nowadays. With rumors of Samsung’s new smart watch on the horizon, we’re already looking towards the Series 4 of the Apple Watch, as it has proven itself to be the go-to for wrist technology.

We’re currently on the Series 3 of Apple, which has improved performance by 70 percent from the original, Series 1 debut. While the first series carries most of the same features as the newest, its not going to function as fast or as efficient as its more recent version.

In terms of the Series 4 of Apple Watches, we can expect a 15 percent increase in screen size with a more streamlined display function and “trendy” factory design. While no word has officially came from Apple, we can expect them to release more details once they have a prototype to display.

Lastly, many analysts are asking if the smart watch market is on the decline or not? Research predicts only an 11.9 percent increase in sales for all smart watches. Apparently, smart speakers are going to be the go-to for tech lovers in quarter 3 and 4.