Come on guys, life is scary enough without worrying about our phones turning on us.
News broke out last Tuesday about a potential malware threat on WhatsApp. The company revealed that a vulnerability on the app may have accidentally allowed spyware to be distributed to various users’ phones.
“WhatsApp encourages people to upgrade to the latest version of our app, as well as keep their mobile operating system up to date, to protect against potential targeted exploits designed to compromise information stored on mobile devices,” says one WhatsApp spokesperson in a statement with CNBC. “We are constantly working alongside industry partners to provide the latest security enhancements to help protect our users.”
The malware apparently could’ve spread by means of calling someone. Even if you don’t end up answering it, an infected call could spread the malware to your device. What’s even worse is that you won’t even have any recollection of the call since the malware also deletes logs of incoming calls to cover its tracks.
Although the company did not name the perpetrator, some are saying that it may be Israel-based NSO Group, a cybersecurity company that was already included in a controversial scandal involving the San Bernardino mass shooter back in 2015.
“NSO’s technology is licensed to authorized government agencies for the sole purpose of fighting crime and terror. The company does not operate the system, and after a rigorous licensing and vetting process, intelligence and law enforcement determine how to use the technology to support their public safety missions,” The company claims, stating that it does not and cannot access anyone’s user accounts in any way.
“We investigate any credible allegations of misuse and if necessary, we take action, including shutting down the system,” the company adds.