Tokyo, Japan is known as one of the most technologically savvy and advanced societies we have on the planet. Their city is bustling with ideas of the future, but that doesn’t stop the culture from living in archaic ways of the past. Tokyo Medical University just announced that they have been lowering women’s test scores on the written part of the entrance exam so that they could not receive any higher than an 80. On the other hand, the school was boosting male scores as an attempt to block the females from taking the positions. This form is sexism is alive and well in our world today, and something must be done.
The director of the school issued an apology for the practice which had been occurring for at least ten years. The only reason the problem was even discovered was due to an internal investigation of the son of a senior official who had his test scores boosted unfairly as well.
In Japan, women have had it so hard in the employment field. They climb an uphill battle, especially after childbirth… so much that birth rates in Japan are drastically falling so women can get a chance to work and make a name and living for themselves.
Currently, Tokyo Medical University is considering some compensation for the women affected as an apology, but paying or gifting those women with money is not the same as giving them equality. In all forms of science, technology, and gaming, we have been wrongly labeled as a male-dominated field. But to purposefully keep women out of those fields is wrongful and unjust. That is where the real change needs to come in our global community.