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Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver Character Overview and Abilities

overwatch 2 lifeweaver

Credit: Activision Blizzard

Plant life has always been beneficial for humanity’s health, not just in terms of herbs and medicines and whatnot, but in the passive good vibes created by greenery. The presence of flowers and greenery has been scientifically proven to improve moods and general well-being in those around them. Considering that, could a scientist in the world of Overwatch use plants as a more direct means of healing? If Overwatch 2’s newest Hero is any indication, they sure could. Here’s what you need to know about Lifeweaver in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver Character Overview and Abilities

Lifeweaver is the newest Support Hero in Overwatch 2, to be introduced in the game’s fourth season. A Thai researcher who attended the same prestigious academy as Symmetra, Niran Pruksamanee, now known as Lifeweaver, put his all-encompassing love and care for his fellow man to work in creating BioLight, a mysterious technology that allows him to regenerate the wounds of himself and others. By combining this technology with hard-light construct tech, again like Symmetra, Lifeweaver is able to spread his healing influence to his team while strategically repositioning them out of harm’s way.

Lifeweaver is intended to be a more accessible Support character, better suited for those who want to keep their team safe without worrying about how good their aim is. His abilities have wide reaches and hitboxes, meant to keep your teammates in their field of influence even if you’re not looking directly at them.

Overwatch 2 Lifeweaver Abilities

overwatch 2 heroes

Credit: Activision Blizzard

Here’s a list of Lifeweaver’s currently-known abilities:

  • Primary Fire: Healing Blossom: A lob shot that, when launched at allies, restores their health
  • Secondary Fire: Thorn Volley: A sustained rain of sharp thorns to pick off encroaching foes
  • Active Ability: Petal Platform: Spawns a floating, pressure-activated platform that begins rising upward when an ally or enemy steps on it
  • Active Ability: Life Grip: Targets an ally and brings them closer to your position while covering them in a protective barrier
  • Active Ability: Rejuvenating Dash: A quick dash in any direction that provides a temporary health regeneration effect on you and nearby allies when activated
  • Passive Ability: Parting Gift: If Lifeweaver is killed in battle, he automatically drops a health recovery pickup that can be grabbed by both allies and enemies
  • Ultimate: Tree of Life: Creates a massive hard-light construct that provides a passive healing aura to allies near it for as long as it’s standing

If you’re the kind of healer that likes to keep your allies at arm’s length as you support them, Lifeweaver’s abilities will allow you to maintain sightlines while offering a variety of options for support, including offense, defense, and repositioning.