‘Fortnite’ has come a very long way since Season 1, and Epic Games is always hard at work keeping things fresh. They’ve introduced a lot of things to the game that players never thought they’d see. From X-4 Stormwing planes and Quadcrashers, to the Infinity Gauntlet and ‘Fortnite’s’ own version of Excalibur, the Infinity Blade. What could they think of next?
Apparently, dragons. And no, not just as gliders.
Data miners came across some interesting bits of code in the game files of ‘Fortnite,’ which allude Dragon Eggs being held in a place known as the Ice Palace. It’s not clear what this means, but players are speculating that X-4 Stormwings won’t be the only things players can use to take to the skies in-game; dragon mounts could very well be on the horizon.
Not everyone has been thrilled about this discovery. Although it is only speculation at this point, there’s no telling what actual mountable dragons would do to the meta of this game. A common complaint of Epic Games as new seasons begin is that Epic Games tries so hard to keep things fresh that the meta suffers as a result.
Epic has not commented on the files, so the function of these hypothetical dragons remains a mystery.