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Electric Fans Causing More Harm Than Good

Beating summer heat is on everyone’s top priority list, but theres a science behind how to make sure you stay cool and healthy during summer’s steamiest of nights. The main tip is this: do not sleep with your fan on overnight. I’m even a culprit of doing this, but apparently it’s causing more health risks than it is cooling rewards. Here’s the breakdown:

When a fan rotates overnight, the air circulation stirs up flurries of dust and pollen that quickly get trapped into your sinuses. This effect can trigger asthma that can get you sick or leave you with an uncomfortable stuffy nose in the morning. Additionally, fan blades are very quick to collect dust particles atop them, so if you’re not cleaning your fan regularly with a damn cloth, the worse this problem may become.

So how do we remedy this conundrum? Well, you can always swap to centralized air, but that’s going to make your summer electricity bill skyrockets. Instead, try using an air-purifying fan that cleans your air while producing a fresh breeze. Another option is to change your blinds and curtains to a darker, metallic material. Japan is even trying mist sprays because of their record-breaking heat wave this July, as well as other great innovations, such as jackets that have built-in fans.

According to Digital Trends, the best air purifying fan on the market is the Dyson Pure Cool, so if you’re looking to sleep soundly at night without the risk of health complications, this product might be a good investment.