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Robot-assisted IVF: The Birth of the Future


Credit: Unsplash

The future of IVF? Spanish startup develops robot technology for fertilizing human eggs leading to the birth of two healthy babies.

In a groundbreaking development, a Spanish startup has successfully used a robot to fertilize human eggs, resulting in the birth of two healthy babies. The robot, which is controlled via a PlayStation controller, uses a tiny, mechanized in-vitro fertilization (IVF) needle and camera to deposit single sperm cells into human eggs. Overture Life developed the sperm-injecting robot, and the first two babies conceived using this technology were born at the New Hope Fertility Center in New York.

The process was carried out by a student engineer, Eduard Alba, who controlled the robot with the PlayStation controller. Alba said he felt calm during the process, considering it to be just another experiment. The startup believes that this is just the initial step towards automating IVF and making the procedure less expensive and more widely available. IVF costs are currently very high, as it requires trained embryologists to handle sperm and eggs using ultra-thin hollow needles under a microscope.

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