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What are Heal Eggs in Fortnite?

fortnite heal eggs

Credit: Epic Games

I don’t think I could stomach eating a raw egg right out of its shell like you see bodybuilders do sometimes. If it’s not hard-boiled or secretly made of chocolate, I want nothing to do with it. Of course, if eating a raw egg conferred immediate superhuman health benefits as they do in Fortnite, well, maybe I could be persuaded to try it. Speaking of, what are Heal Eggs in Fortnite?

What are Heal Eggs in Fortnite?

Heal Eggs are special, limited-edition consumable items in Fortnite, available only during the Spring Breakout event (which ends on April 11th, by the by). The special event eggs come in three different varieties and confer various benefits when consumed. The green-colored eggs are Heal Eggs, restoring your health when eaten. The purple-colored eggs are called Hop Eggs, increasing your jumping height and making you immune to fall damage when eaten. The rare, gold-colored eggs are Golden Eggs, rewarding you with gold currency when consumed.

One of the quests for the Spring Breakout event is to consume two Heal Eggs alongside a piece of meat. As it so happens, with a bit of luck and searching, you can find everything you need in the same place.

Where to Find Heal Eggs

fortnite spring event

Credit: Epic Games

Heal Eggs are laid by green-colored chickens that roam the map during the Spring Breakout event. Much like the regular chickens you can find in Fortnite, they can appear just about anywhere and everywhere, though they have a particular fondness for grassier, rural areas of the map like Shattered Slabs and Frenzy Fields.

Check around these areas until you stumble upon a green chicken, then chase it around for a little while without actually attacking it. After you chase it for a bit, the chicken will eventually lay a Heal Egg, which you can stash in your inventory. Once you’ve got at least two of these Heal Eggs, you can then kill the chicken to make it drop a piece of meat. Eat the eggs and the meat, and voila, quest complete. Now that’s what I call a complete breakfast.

In the event you accidentally kill the chicken before it can lay both eggs, you can leave an egg on the ground for a little while until a fresh chicken hatches from it. Afterward, just chase it until you get the eggs that you need.

Remember, the Spring Breakout event ends on April 11th, so you don’t have a lot of time left for this quest! Find those eggs pronto before the holiday ends!
