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Do you need a Netbook or a Laptop?

Honestly speaking, there is no need for you to say that a computer, in any form has now become the basic necessity of human beings all around the globe. This of course, is not only because people use the computer and internet to communicate with other people sitting far away from them, but also because the web has become something which helps us with our everyday activities. It is essential for not only those that have to go to a job or office, but also for students who need it to make assignments and gather information about their topics or courses. Now there are three most widely used forms of computers and those are the desktop computer, the laptop and the netbook. Today, we’ll be discussing or talking about the differences between the netbook and the laptop as these are often misconceived to be the other. You have to know that even though both of these devices do the same amount of work, there are some differences that are quite evident and extremely important when you are considering buying one. You should buy either the netbook or the laptop depending on your needs.

Given below are some of the most prominent differences between the two.

  • Size: Perhaps the biggest difference that you will be able to detect immediately between a netbook and a laptop is the size. While the netbook is for people who like to carry around their little gadget everywhere, the laptops are for people who have room for it and can easily carry it in a bad. The netbook is also a lot lighter than the laptop and this is mainly because of the small size.


  • Screen Size: Netbooks aren’t popular when it comes to the screen size because they simply have a smaller size. A standard netbook will be have a screen size of 11-12inches while a laptop’s screen can go anywhere from 15-18 or above inches. However, one advantage the netbook has with the compact screen size is that it will have a longer battery life when compared to a laptop.


  • Price: Another huge difference between the netbook and the laptop is the price. The people who are looking to save some money can invest in a netbook as this will be a lot cheaper than the laptop. This is of course so because the laptop generally offers more than its other counterpart. However, remember that the netbook will be somewhat restricted in its functionality as compared to the laptop.


  • Drives and Keyboards: Because the netbook is a lot smaller than the laptop, it won’t have as big as a Keyboard. Moreover, if you want to buy something with the DVD or CD drive, you’d better go for the laptop as the netbook won’t have any of these built in.


  • Usage: Last but not least, the decision ultimately falls on the usage that you have for the particular gadget. If you are a graphic designer or architect or someone who has heavy use for the computer, then you should probably go for a notebook instead a netbook. On the other hand, a netbook would be a good choice if you have nominal use.