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Technology is Always on the Move

I do so love the modern age.

A hundred years ago, people assumed that by the year 2000, we’d have flying cars, companion robots, and pill food. The Jetsons, basically. In hindsight, I’m not really sure what that belief was grounded in. Technology does move astonishingly fast, but it doesn’t move that fast.

Still, while we don’t have flying cars and weirdly tall spire buildings, technology has made some pretty incredible strides, especially in the last few decades. You just have to look a little bit closer. Computer peripherals, in particular, have made all sorts of cool advancements. The first keyboards were these big, chunky monsters, usually hard-wired into a processor. If your keyboard broke, well, stinks to be you, ’cause you couldn’t replace it. These days, though, not only are keyboards modular and easily swapped out, they’re becoming even more precise. Technology’s advancement is kind of like a river; it flows at a fixed rate, but it never stops flowing. As long as humans possess curiosity, we’ll always be trying to make little tweaks to what we have. Even something as seemingly inconsequential as keyboards will never stop advancing, because, well, why would it? Progress is fun!

Keep checking back for all the latest news on emerging tech! The future is now, and what a future it is!
