Want a digital game? Gotta go to the source.
Sony announced last week that, as of April 1st, they will stop selling digital PlayStation 4 codes at retailers.
A Sony representative told The Verge, “Sony Interactive Entertainment will no longer offer full games through SIE’s Global Digital at Retail program. This decision was made in order to continue to align key businesses globally. To support full games and premium editions, SIE will introduce increased denominations at select retailers. DLC, add-ons, virtual currency, and season passes will still be available.”
This doesn’t mean that there will no longer be offline versions of digital games though. All it means is that players will now have to enter their credit card information into Sony’s PSN platform if they want to buy digital versions of games. Before, users could buy codes from retailers like GameStop and input them into their PSN platform to get the virtual currency credited to their accounts.
Users who have preordered digital PS4 games are now being advised to switch to physical games if they don’t want to use their credit cards on the PSN platform. According to The Verge, GameStop will also be “responsible for helping preorder customers that opted for a code manage that transition process.”