You may have wondered where Instagram finds their inspiration for photo-sharing app, well their headquarters is a reflection of Instagram as a whole – selfie heaven. The director of fashion partnerships for Instagram, Eva Chen, gives Katie Couric a tour of their New York headquarters for an exclusive tour of where the perfect selfie setting is everything.
Entering the building there is an interactive mural wall with monitors that can be customized with any pictures imaginable and in this case featured a nice welcome for Katie Couric, of course being a unique backdrop for a photo. Another awesome selfie setting at Instagram is inside a geometric dome with holographic, translucent colors for a cool shot with a pop of color and reflective chairs to sit.
Another selfie stop in Instagram headquarters is at the gelato shop that also makes smoothies for the Instagram staff. One of my personal favorite selfie spots has to be the “green wall” that features live plants by a window, providing ample natural lighting for the perfect selfie.
Instagram’s creative approach to the selfie spots are to help build their company’s brand and encourages their employees to be engaging with their content through their social media pages.
Fun fact: Instagram has over one billion users on their platform. Chen says that Instagram is seeing a lot of success because humans are visual beings and learn more from photos or videos, drawing more users on Instagram naturally.
Check out the video above for more of the tour around Instagram’s headquarters.