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Hearthstone’s Best And Worst Expansions

Yesterday, I talked about the best and worst Warcraft expansion packs. Today, we’re looking at the spinoff card game Hearthstone and its expansion packs. I won’t be reviewing every single expansion pack in the card game’s history, but instead, look at the 3 best and 3 worst.


The Grand Tournament
TGT was a snore-fest. The “inspire” mechanic was way too slow to catch on in a game that is constantly about aggressive moves. Therefore, any card with that mechanic on it instantly became unplayable, and that’s when I decided Hearthstone wasn’t the game for me.

Kobolds & Catacombs
Legendary weapons ended up being a bust for Blizzard. With another slow mechanic, “recruit” being added, it wasn’t enough to spice up the game. The only weapons that were really playable were Kingsbane and Skull of the Man’ari in niche decks, and while the upgradable spellstones were cool, players found more enjoyment in Dungeon Run than they did in the actual standard mode.

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Okay, this is just a personal hate message towards Patches the Pirate and Jade Druid. So many broken mechanics that took too long to nerf were introduced, making this expansion more frustrating than it was bad.


Goblins vs Gnomes
We have to give credit to the first official expansion of Hearthstone. Adding mech synergy, cool cards like Mimiron’s Head, and a taste of flavor that the game needed for reinvigoration, GvG deserves its place in the hall of fame.

Knights of the Frozen Throne
If we exclude Raza Priest, KoFT was so much fun to play. Experimenting with all the new Death Knight heroes was a blast, there was new flavor in the game, and everything felt bone-chillingly awesome again. There were so many surprises, too, like the prominence of Prince Keleseth and the ridiculously wild power of Bonemare.

Whispers of the Old Gods
N’Zoth, be strong with this one. Giving players a free legendary, C’Thun, and creating a darker, more sinister play style made Whispers feel more like a shout of fun for everyone. With the introduction of corrupted versions of our favorite old cards, as well as the 4 Mana 7/7 meme that will live on forever, some of the most memorable cards came out of this expansion.

And there you have it, another list that is sure to stir up some controversy. These are all my opinions, so put your pitchforks down and save it for when The Boomsday Project goes live. We see you, Weaponized Piñata, we see you.
