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Cookie Run: Kingdom Prune Juice Cookie Toppings Builds

cookie run kingdom prune juice cookie

Credit: Devsisters

Since the 1930s, prune juice has been a reliable means of clearing digestive problems, thanks to its high fiber and sugar alcohol contents. It gets the pipes flowing, to put the matter politely. I wouldn’t think to incorporate prune juice into a cookie, but if you did, that cookie would definitely do some… interesting things to those who cross him. Here’s what you need to know about Prune Juice Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom, including his best topping builds.

Cookie Run: Kingdom Prune Juice Cookie Toppings Builds

Prune Juice Cookie is a middle-priority Bomber-type Cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom. Prune Juice is a master at potion craft, weaving magical effects into his concoctions to aid his allies and terrorize his foes. The Prune Juice Bottles he throws with his regular attack target the furthest enemies, dealing splash damage and inflicting poison on impact, his specialty.

Prune Juice Cookie’s signature skill is Prune Juice Potion, a super-sized version of his usual Prune Juice Bottles. When this giant concoction bursts over enemies, a variety of different effects are triggered. Every enemy is inflicted with a potent Poison, dealing 49% of Prune Juice’s ATK stat, the impact of existing Poison inflictions is boosted by 30%, enemies are inflicted with the Sticky Goo debuff, which makes it harder to remove other debuffs, and a gaggle of Prune Jellies are summoned. Those Prune Jellies can withstand 30 attacks, no matter the damage, and spread a cloud of Poison as they wander around.

Best Prune Juice Cookie Toppings

cookie run kingdom prune juice capsaicin kouign

Credit: Devsisters

The strength in Prune Juice Cookie’s kit is his potent Poison, the strength of which scales with his own ATK stat. That also extends to the damage and Poison inflicted by his summoned Poison Jellies. Ergo, when it comes to making a Topping build, the name of the game is damage. A full set of Searing Raspberry will give Prune Juice a 3-5% boost to his ATK stat, which means his Poison will deal more damage with every tick. Add the native Poison damage boost that activates with Prune Juice Potion, and you’ve got a Poison nasty enough to wipe an entire enemy squad in seconds.

Alternatively, for a slightly more balanced build, you can substitute a few of those Searing Raspberries for some Solid Almonds to increase Prune Juice’s DMG Resistance stat. Three Searing Raspberries will still give you a respectable DMG stat boost, while a couple of Solid Almonds will give Prune Juice a little extra survivability. He can’t Poison the opposition if he can’t stay on the battlefield, after all.

With the right toppings, Prune Juice Cookie’s Poison can wipe away an enemy squad’s health before they can even think of opposing you. I guess that’s one way to clear the proverbial pipes.