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A Distant Dead Planet Could Mirror Earth’s Future Destruction


Nothing like the mass destruction of celestial objects to motivate you in the morning.

With threats of global warming and climate change bombarding us on an almost daily basis, one can only wonder what can happen if the Earth does start dying.

Well, according to scientists, one distant planet from the Earth, which has been quite dead for millennia, can give us an insight as to how the actual “end of days” will look. In fact, this planet could even be a forewarning, as it could mirror our beloved planet’s own destruction in the future.

The main cause? Getting swallowed up by the sun at around 5-6 billion years in age.

“As stars age, they grow into red giants, which ‘clean out’ much of the inner part of their planetary system,” Dr. Christopher Manser, the main author for the study, says. “In our solar system, the Sun will expand up to where the Earth currently orbits and will wipe out Earth, Mercury, and Venus. Mars and beyond will survive and will move further out.”

This echoes the dire outcome of the distant dead planet about 410 light years away from Earth. The study revealed that it was torn apart by its own star millions of years ago.

Manser, along with a team from the University of Warwick, discovered the dead planet via a massive telescope located in the Canary Islands. Apparently, the planet is “closer than we would expect to find anything still alive”.
