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Nintendo Will Never Go Away

Nintendo will have a new console out in well, I guess you could say matter of weeks. The way Nintendo has kept so many details about there Wii U quite is really quite surprising. You would think that they would really be hyping this console up right around now. I spoke recently about the lack of Wii U info with a fellow gamer who said that Nintendo always do this. I was taken a back as I have in all my years of gaming known less about a console just a few months from launch than I have the Wii U. I have heard many people say that they think the Wii U will be a flop and that this very well could be the end of Nintendo. Well apart from there amazingly successful hand held consoles I think that talk about Nintendo’s demise is really quite strange.

If you were to ask me right now do I think the Wii U is going to be a huge hit. If I am honest I would have to say no I do not. I think it will sell fairly well, but I am sure Nintendo themselves know there is no way this will sell the amount that the original Wii has done. I cannot see all those people who had never played games before who bought a Wii to play Wii Sports bothering with a Wii U. So why do I think Nintendo will never go away? Well for me as a guy who was raised on a NES in the 80’s, Nintendo to many people is gaming. Now I am not a Nintendo fan boy. Mater of fact you are more likely to see me playing on my 360 or Playstation 3 this generation than my Wii, but Nintendo has something that no one else does. Characters now yes Playstation has Kratos and Nathan Drake to just name a couple, Xbox has Master Chief and Marcus Fenix again just to name a couple, but just look at Nintendo.

Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Star Fox, Pit, Wario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Bros and this is just right of the top of my head. Nintendo will sell there consoles on there first party character titles alone. I am sure that I am not the only gamer out there whose mind races with ideas about how Mario and Zelda will look on this new hardware. As long as there are gamers like me who long to keep playing all these characters that we grew up with, then I have not one single doubt in my mind that Nintendo will stay around as long as there are video games. Also one thing that Nintendo has done very well is marketing there characters such as Mario and co to a whole new generation of younger gamers out there. So while many people myself included are very puzzled by the way they are promoting the Wii U. I have no doubt that in the long run Nintendo will be fine.