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Google Translate: App Review

Google Translate is considered to be the deepest language database available online and for this reason, is highly popular among foreign trade. Released mid 2012, it includes a lot of different features and conveniences that make it stand out from other translation apps. Below, we tell you why. Not only does the Android Google Translate include 24 languages easily translatable, but has the added benefit of handwriting recognition as well as augmented reality. It allows the user to hear the translated sentence spoken back to them in a natural tone. There are the usual problems that might exist with translators, that of the diction not being one hundred percent accurate. The voice recognition is also somewhat shaky in terms of picking up accents and the app’s database might not cover everything but it is still an app that delivers what it promises. It is only available on Android devices but the iOS version has also been formulated. The difference between the two is their depth, as the Android version has had a lot more time to accumulate the plethora of information it has.

For people who come in contact regularly with translation applications, the most impressive feature of this app will be the smooth, natural sounding tone that speaks back to you. It is almost human-sounding, with even the smallest tones corrected to sound neutral for non-English speakers. It also spells out the translation of different languages in Latin characters so you may learn the language in phonetics. Other tools include highlighting common phrases that might be handy in a quick conversation or in a public environment. It also provides access to translation history so you might recall previous phrases even if you are offline. One of the factors that have added to the popularity of the product is its convenient translation of road signs or public signage through handwriting recognition input. You must take a picture of the sign, highlight the area you want translated and it will translate the line for you. However, the rate of accuracy may not always be perfect as the software tries to incorporate what it sees in the image into legible alphabets.

Typically, the augmented reality aspect of the translate app works better in text as it is easily recognizable as compared to signage. However, when compared to different independent set ups for translation available online, the database is much bigger which increases the rate of accuracy. It also helps that Google has a much more complex visual reader incorporated into their program, and as people visiting a foreign country will vouch, is much more accurate. The Google Translate app is a good investment, has many more features than a regular app and has a voice recognition system that will not disappoint. For people who like to remain ahead of the conversation when they visit abroad, this is a good app to have in their translation arsenal, and will likely require a lot less hassle in sifting through translation books and so on.