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The Museum Of Illusions Opens Their 11th Location In New York

I’m kind of torn about the Museum of Illusions. On one hand optical illusions kind of annoy me. I’m always trying to find ways to subvert them and figure out how they work, but they’ve always got me beat. On the other hand, though, I do love a good interactive museum. It’s a great way to learn new things, especially for a subject like psychology that can be difficult to compartmentalize. Bah. Well, make your own judgments at the Museum of Illusions that opened in New York last month.

The Museum of Illusions is a world-traveling showcase of tricky optical illusions, as well as puzzles, games, and other interactive displays to tickle your curiosity. The New York chapter on 77 Eighth Avenue will feature over 80 displays to check out.

Guests are openly encouraged to interact with the displays, though don’t be surprised if you walk away with a headache. Tickets to the museum can be purchased on-site, though they recommend you buy online just in case.
