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Hulu and AT&T Testing Ads During Paused Shows

No one likes ads when they’re watching videos, shows, or movies online, but companies still need to make some money from the ads they run. So Hulu and AT&T are going to be coming at consumers from a different angle.

Ordinarily, 30-second ads on Hulu will occur after a set amount of time while watching a TV show or movie. And when that happens, most will immediately divert their eyes from the computer screen to look at their phone or maybe get more snacks as they hunker down to watch 20 more episodes of ‘Orange Is The New Black.’ But in 2019, ads will now play whenever you pause your show or movie.

Hulu and AT&T are hoping to capitalize on the ever-growing binge watching culture, and are banking on the idea that viewers will be more receptive of ads if they occur at their pace, not the streamer’s. It’s a pretty big gamble, but the idea behind it is worth experimenting with. When ads occur automatically, you are likely annoyed and waiting for the show or movie to continue so you can see what happens next. But when you pause the show or movie yourself, then you’re relaxed and far less prone to be agitated by an ad on your screen.

In an conference held back in September, AT&T emphasized the need for advertiser support in order to keep streaming services up and running to the highest degree possible. They are hoping that this new method of ad viewing will make the experience less irritable for the consumer, and more profitable for the advertisers.