Apple sauce is one of the most universally beloved… condiments, I guess you’d call it? I mean, you can eat apple sauce by itself or on other foods, so just calling it a “condiment” seems insufficient. It is true that people love it, though, which makes it a potentially valuable commodity if you’re, say, running your own farm in Sun Haven. Whether you’re looking to sell it or eat it, here’s how to get Apple Sauce in Sun Haven.
How to Get Apple Sauce in Sun Haven
Apple Sauce is a food item in Sun Haven that, as you’d probably expect, is made of apples. It doesn’t have any vital applications in the game, but it can be nice to have around as a recovery item or as a commodity to make some quick cash. When consumed, Apple Sauce instantly restores 60 points of Mana, and if you sell it to a shop, you’ll make 460 Gold. Not bad for some simple mushed apples, huh?
In order to make Apple Sauce, you’ll need three things: a Cooking Pot, the right recipe, and the ingredients. The Cooking Pot is one of the home installations that you can craft without any prerequisites via a Crafting Bench, though you will need the following materials to put it together:
- 12 Wood Planks
- 20 Stones
Making Apple Sauce
Once you’ve got a Cooking Pot, the next order of business is getting the recipe. Like many of the recipes in Sun Haven, the recipe for Apple Sauce is obtained through the skill tree. Specifically, you need to unlock the second rank of the Adventurer’s Cookbook skill, found in the third tier of the Exploration Skill Tree. That means you need to spend at least 10 Skill Points in the Exploration Tree to unlock the third tier, followed by another 2 Skill Points to unlock the first and second ranks of Adventurer’s Cookbook.
Finally, it’s time to gather the ingredients. The ingredients necessary for Apple Sauce include:
- 1 Apple: Foraged from Apple Trees in forests near Sun Haven
- 1 Sugar: Purchased from the Bakery or General Store for 110-120 Gold or created from Sugar Cane at a Baker’s Station
- 1 Cinnaberry: Grown from Cinnaberry Seeds purchased from the Farming Store for 175 Gold
Combine all of these items together in the Cooking Pot, wait three hours, and voila, it’s Apple Sauce. Eat it, sell it, make more of it, whatever floats your boat. The sauce is in your hands now!