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Epic Partners With Hasbro For Fortnite Toys And Board Games

Epic Games has made a soft announcement that they are partnering up with Hasbro to produce two tie-in toys for Fortnite, likely to cash in on the game’s sizable audience of school-age children. The first is a Fortnite edition of Monopoly (which I see adults playing more than kids, but whatever), which, according to a Hasbro representative, will feature additional gameplay mechanics to reflect its source material like base building and combat. This board game will be releasing this October.

The second toy, or rather toys, will be a line of Nerf dart blasters based on guns from Fortnite. Details are a bit scarce on these for the moment, but the apparent intent is to “battle in real life.” These blasters will be released some time in the Spring of 2019.

A proper announcement and details of Epic and Hasbro’s partnership will be made later in November.