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Behold BrainNet, the World’s First Telepathy Link

Hopefully, whenever scientists start engineering ESPers in earnest, we won’t have some kind of mutant uprising to deal with.

A team of neuroscientists have utilized a combo of electroencephalograms and transcranial magnetic stimulation to create true brain-to-brain communication, no gross implants or superpowers required. Dubbed “BrainNet,” the process involves three subjects wearing special electromagnetic hats that allow them to send and receive small, quick flashes of light to each other. These flashes appear only in the subjects’ minds and cannot be seen by any outside observers. Utilizing the flashes, the subjects worked together to complete a block puzzle game without speaking with or seeing each other. Researchers noted an accuracy rating of about 81% in using the system, a surprisingly high rating.

While the subjects can’t do things like actual mind reading just yet, the team believes that this research could yield not only some fascinating data about the human brain, but one day, a true wireless network of connected minds.
