Amazon and Apple’s partnership has been going on for quite a few months now, starting last year. In December, Apple Music was first enabled on Amazon’s Echo speakers, with Amazon going as far as making Apple its preferred source of music.
Now, Apple Music has been made available on Amazon Fire TV, Amazon’s line of streaming boxes and sticks. Consumers who own the Fire TV can now stream music straight from Apple Music using Alexa in the US. Meanwhile, those who live in the UK will be able to match theirs starting next week.
Apple managing to enter Amazon’s wide range of products is a huge deal, especially considering how big both tech companies are. Apple’s next target seems to be Google Home, as Apple Music was also seen last month in the music settings menu of Google’s smart speakers. While it was unfortunately not yet working that time, it does say something about the possibility of Apple Music becoming available on Google devices in the future.
Interested in playing songs from Apple Music on your Amazon Fire TV? All you need to do is to link your Alexa to your Apple Music account and you’re good to go.