At the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show, telematics company TomTom is set to show off their autonomous driving system made in partnership with Japanese automotive manufacture Denso. TomTom has stated that the goal of their system is “Level Two Automation.”
When functioning properly, TomTom’s system will be able to perceive objects in the area and plot course corrections and path A to path B travel. The system is planned to work on roads and highways that utilize TomTom’s mapping system. Denso will work in tandem with TomTom’s system, by way of its sensors, which will send information to TomTom’s systems
TomTom CEO Harold Goddjin has expressed his belief in the value of automation for the future of TomTom, but naturally, reservations are still being held about the technology. It could be just too many sci-fi films where autonomous cars end up taking a wrong turn, but the idea of a car driving itself, even if only partially, is not one that everyone is excited for.
TomTom will have to impress at the CES come January 8th. GPS is great now, but back in the earlier days, it was very incompetent. Bad directions is one thing, but your car taking a wrong turn on its own could have far more severe consequences. There’s no room for error with technology like this.