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How Different Kinds of Music Affect Productivity

Credit: A Life of Productivity

Scientists have been looking at the impact of music on how productive people are throughout the day.

Music helps to set the tone of our environment as well as dictate the kind of mood we will be in. It is also a way for us to avoid the distractions that come with some of the most stressing situations in life. Research was recently performed to really see what impact music had on people, and the results show that it is quite positive.

There are types of music that could be more distracting to the listener than others. Music with a complex structure can distract people from what they are working on. People will focus on the structure of what is playing rather than the task at hand. Music with lyrics can be distracting because people turn their focus to the meaning behind the song.

But there are some types of music that can really get the juice flowing in a creative brain. It’s easy to identify a lot of similarities between types of music with a common theme of background noise, rather than ones filled with words.

Classical Music: This category should come as no surprise to anyone. Baroque music increases mood and concentration on one’s work. It is relaxing enough to keep us calm while not distracting us from what we need to accomplish.

Nature Music: The sounds of nature help many people fall asleep at night. It can also enhance people’s cognitive function and concentration. This includes water, rainfall, beach waves, and rustling leaves.

Epic Music: When you hear epic music, you feel a sense of empowerment because of the big build-up that comes with the song. This kind of music is meant to inspire you and provide that extra boost of motivation you are lacking.

Video Game Music: This one might be a bit of a surprise but the BGM behind games are meant to enhance user’s experiences. This kind of music can also enhance your sense of focus and motivation.

Ambient Soundtracks: Ambient music is designed to accommodate many levels of attention without forcing one type in particular. You will hear this kind of music in an airport; it’s meant to be ignored but interesting at the same time.

Next time you are feeling somewhat stressed, unmotivated, and unfocused, turn to one of these types of music to refocus your mind and accomplish any task put before you.
