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When PC And Consoles Collide

Long have the words “PC Master Race” been thrown as jabs at console junkies who stay devoted to their developer’s platforms. But Microsoft might just be ending the debate, showing the gaming community why they deserve to be the top spot.

Microsoft teamed up with Razer, the popular gaming peripheral distributor, in order to create a brand new mouse and keyboard setup that would be compatible with the Xbox One console. Essentially, PC and Xbox could be colliding, as loyal console junkies will now get access to the same tools and controls that PC gamers have been accustomed to their whole lives.

There’s always been the option for PC users to plug in a USB controller and play “console style,” but this is the first word from Microsoft on reversing the roles and giving loyal Xbox fans the option to play traditional mouse-and-keyboard style.

Developer kits for the aptly named “Turret” mouse and keyboard were rumored to have gone live last April, with full accessibility to all Xbox One consoles hopefully coming this fall. The focus on the “Turret” was to emphasize living room-style gaming, as PC gamers have been confined to desks for way too long.

The real question we’re all left wondering is not only “Will this endeavor be a success?” but also “How will this development shake up the console wars?” As cross-play between all gaming platforms becomes a hot topic of discussion, will this be the incentive for Sony to also endorse the concept?
