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There’s A New Feature On Spotify You Probably Haven’t Heard About Yet

Spotify has just rolled out a brand new feature that allows users to block or mute artists from their playlists.

By blocking a certain artist, all songs solely credited under that artist will now be skipped, even when you’re listening on shuffle from a preset playlist. With this new feature, users can now avoid listening to the voice of artists they can’t stand, regardless of who that may be.

It works even on your old playlists too– yes, even the ones created by yourself. Maybe last year you liked this artist, and now you just don’t want to hear them anymore. No problem! Simply block them on Spotify and you’ll never have to hear their voice again.

This feature can be activated by going to the artist’s profile, where a new block feature has been implemented in mobile devices. You can toggle the feature on and off to block the artist instantly.

It does have its limits though, as right now, Spotify can’t mute songs that are collaborations between two or more artists. So if your hated musician has a lot of collabs with other artists, you’re out of luck.

The feature was reportedly implemented after the #MuteRKelly movement, which led the company to mute R.Kelly from preset Spotify playlists and radio stations. However, they were soon forced to unmute his music after a public outcry from some of his fans. Now, Spotify has taken the middle choice: allowing users to mute their chosen artist, whether it’s R.Kelly or not.
