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Pampers Develops Smart Diaper

Photo Credit: PC Magazine

Yes, it has finally come to this: technology has moved into the field of diapers.

Pampers new product is called the Lumi and there is already a waiting list in the United States. They’re competing a bit with Huggies as a similar idea was launched last year in Korea. The package comes with a baby monitor as well as a 10-day supply of diapers. It also includes an activity sensor that secures to the front of the baby’s diaper.

The sensor will alert your app of any urine that comes out as well as track patterns for you. One of the benefits of this product is the ability for parents to track how often their children do their business. Doctors encourage parents to do this for the first few months after they are born, but most don’t.

An alert sent to your smartphone will let you know the status of the diaper. They will indicate that it is either dry, wet, or very wet. If a change is immediately necessary, the app will let you know.

Concerns over parents becoming anxious with tracking data as well as privacy information are being considered by Pampers. The other concern is that the baby will not be as self-reliant. Letting parents know a diaper change is needed is an important form of communication that babies need to learn.

Still, this is definitely a big step in analyzing the baby industry and being able to bring concrete data to a doctor in the event of any emergencies. The fact that this is even a concept is no surprise with the rise of Internet of Things. Eventually, we will be able to track everything in our lives.
