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NASA Reportedly Building Telescope With 100X Bigger View Than Hubble

NASA is reportedly building a telescope with view that’s 100 times more powerful than the Hubble telescope.

The new telescope is known as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), also known as Webb or JWST for short. It’s a powerful space telescope that started as an international program by three different agencies, namely NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Canadian Space Agency.

With a set of mirrors that altogether measure about 6.5 meters, the Webb is definitely much larger than the Hubble telescope. Not just that, the Webb is also capable of seeing a lot more than its predecessor. The Webb uses a near-infrared camera as well as a spectrograph, which means that it will be “able to peer back into the early universe.” It will also be able to see images that are far more detailed than the images seen on the Hubble.

The telescope is supposed to be 1.5km from Earth by now but due to several delays in its development, the Webb is now scheduled to launch by 2021. Unfortunately, unlike the Hubble, the Webb is only designed to work for about five to ten years.

The project has already cost around 10 billion US dollars so far.
