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Is A Robot Stealing Your Job?

We’ve reached a point in society where people are legitimately concerned that robots are going to be stealing jobs in the economy, leading to higher rates of unemployment. But is that all a myth? Let’s debunk this theory by seeing how robots can actually help create more jobs in the job market.

So yes, automation is something that could replace a lot of manual labor jobs… but the same thing happened in the industrial revolution. When the printing press was invented by Gutenberg, it didn’t make people furious because scribes were no longer needed. The same thought process should be taken here. It is estimated that around 375 million employees will need to switch jobs because their work is being outsourced to robotics. But those people are usually switched to better, higher paying managerial positions.

The truth is that robotics help make life easier, as they take the difficult and mundane tasks and alleviates the stress there. But the more robots we employ into our society, the more overseers, technicians, and other pertinent positions will open up. For example, in the U.K., between the years 2000 and 2015, 800,000 jobs were lost due to automation and emerging technologies. In return, 3.5 million jobs were created around the new forms of production, making for an even stronger economy.

As life expectancy increases, societies filled with older generations will be reliant on robotics to help with regular tasks, but there’s no threat for robots over-taking the job industry.
