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Google Gets Invasive

Google is always watching you. Not only are they continuing to give our your personal information that is gathered on G-Mail, but now they’re giving employers a way to see if you’re utilizing the Google Suites applications the company pays for. G-Suites, like Google Business Analytics, is meant to help companies improve collaboration by allowing executives to monitor how much work gets done on the apps. But for some employees, it seems invasive and unnecessary.

If you aren’t scheduling meetings using Google Hangouts, your boss will know. If you aren’t using the tools that G-Suite provides you, and instead opt for Microsoft powered tools, your boss will know. All of this information will be collected by tech analysts at your company. To put this in perspective, Microsoft 365 has nearly 150 million monthly active users, while G-Suite has about 4 million. They are both built to be all encompassing workplace tools, but Microsoft is pushing privacy boundaries like Google does.

Make sure to watch the whole video playlist above to get the details on everything Google is doing wrong in hopes for “better business collaboration.”
