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Get Schooled On Tinder’s Newest Feature

Ever wanted to go to school for dating? Well with Tinder’s latest addition to its services, it almost sounds like you can. The popular dating app introduced a new feature, dubbed “Tinder U,” allows users to input their college’s .edu email address on their profile so they can match with students who go to your school and the colleges located around you.

Tinder, which is owned by Facebook, has been struggling in recent years, but this new feature is designed to get users, primarily of the young adult age group of 18-23, back on the app for what it was designed to do in the first place: let people have flings.

Yeah, in retrospect it sounds kind of trivial, but it has actually garnered a lot of attention since its debut. Normally, Tinder would resort to locating people miles outside of your radius, or find people traveling in your area. Now, with this new function, it will stick to just the school you attend as well as ones directly in your area. College kids can now meet college kids, and do whatever college kids do.

We’re still waiting to see if there’s any backlash from universities about this feature, but for now it looks like swiping is back in demand.
