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Everything We Know On 5G So Far


The next generation of mobile internet connectivity is coming soon, introducing the new 5G. The new capabilities increase speed and reliable connection rates, for better downloading capabilities.

The cellular networks will help to fund a rise in Internet Of Things technology (IOT), providing the infrastructure needed to carry the huge amounts of data. The new download rate is to be 16 bps or 1 GB per second.

The testing phases of the new generation network has begun for Verizon and T-Mobile. Earlier this month Verizon featured the new 5G wireless home broadband internet services to consumers in four cities by the end of 2018, including Los Angeles and Sacramento. Verizon plans to offer 5G with fixed wireless access, providing connectivity via wireless mobile networks rather than cable.

With this network development Verizon plans on having over 1,000 cell sites operating under global standard. In addition to other networks it is estimated to make 5G happen that 300,000 antennas will need to be added to various networks across the U.S., the same number of cell towers built in the last 30 years.

This new network needs many antennas that are used for high-frequency waves that do not travel as far as current wireless frequencies for 4G. Though consumers are excited for having better connectivity this has other concerned for the neighboring home-owners for upcoming cell tower sites. Many worry about the possible added health risks and the lowering of property value.

The tech industry finds the installation of the new cell towers to be beneficial because the creation of the 5G network will create many new jobs. This new network can also save net neutrality, the common ideology that everything on the internet is treated the same and all is equal.

Since President Trump took office, he appointed a new chairman of the FCC, Ajit Pai, with the goal to repeal net neutrality. The main argument against net neutrality being that since in place, broadband investments have decreased.

The main negative conception about net neutrality is prioritizing certain information, which is unlikely to happen. With some network providers providing this prioritizing the user can ideally switch networks to avoid this, the only problem being that in the U.S. there are only one or two choices in broadband providers.

Here is how 5G can save net neutrality, by making your mobile internet quality match the faster connection provided by home internet connection. This will also disrupt how users access home internet by giving more broadband provided through cellular network providers, essentially creating more choices in broadband providers.

These are all the possibilities for 5G with more to know once the network is available on a greater scale. Check out the videos above for more on 5G.
