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An Asteroid Almost Hit Earth

On April 15th, the soccer-field asteroid just missed planet Earth and became the largest asteroid to come that close to the planet. The giant asteroid buzzed right past Earth, hurtling at an amazing 66,000 miles per hour. The most frightening part is that no one saw it coming!

The asteroid, which has been named 2018 GE3, was only spotted a few hours before it passed by. Scientists in Arizona noticed the scare as it came halfway between the Earth and our moon. It goes without saying that if the asteroid has struck our planet, the damage could have been catastrophic. An asteroid that was 1/6 of the size of GE3 smashed into Russia in 2013, and it injured 1,500 people. The damage that could have been done by this asteroid is terrifying, especially since we wouldn’t have known until moments before it hit.

Telescopes need to be pointed in perfect spots to see asteroids coming, so it’s hard to see them coming. But, don’t worry….space rocks hit earth all of the time.
