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Emergency Wi-Fi Network

The loss of communications during an emergency can be a life-threatening situation. When a hurricane or other inclement weather poses a hazard, access to phone communications or Internet access is usually a luxury for anyone unfortunate enough to be stuck in that situation.

When power lines and other forms of communications are cut off by a raging storm, there may be an option to keep people in touch with emergency services. Red Hook Initiative Wi-Fi, a non-profit, aims to keep the lines of communication open during emergencies with durable equipment meant to withstand up to a category three hurricane.

The equipment installed by Red Hook Initiative runs independently from the power grid, employing solar panels and robust antennae. Transmitters are placed strategically around neighborhoods on rooftops to keep a network available after disaster hits. The Wi-Fi network they created is free, and designed to be available during emergency situations when other modes of communications have failed.

The non-profit was motivated to develop their Wi-Fi systems after the loss of communications and major issues caused by hurricane Sandy. The company has developed their equipment in Brooklyn, New York, and plans on expanding to other regions of the country in the next few months.
